Android 11, the newest version of Android, sets you up to take advantage of a range of new experiences, from foldable devices to stronger protections for your users.

Beta 3 is now available for your testing and development, our last update before the official release coming within the weeks ahead. Try it today on your Pixel device or Android Emulator!
Here you’ll find technical resources about the new features and capabilities in Android 11 and therefore the changes you ought tosteel oneself against in your apps.
What’s in Android 11
Behavior changes
System changes that may affect your app when it’s running on Android 11
Privacy features
New safeguards to protect user privacy that you’ll need to support in your app.
New features & APIs
APIs for 5G, sharing, connectivity, media, NNAPI, biometrics, and more.
Tools and resources
Compatibility tools
Toggle top behavior changes, debug with integrated logging – no need to change targeting.
Migrate your apps
Follow this checklist of steps to get your apps ready for Android 11.
Give Feedback
Your feedback and issue reports are critical! Use our main issue tracker or feature-specific channels.
Explore the new features and APIs
Android 11 features a ton of latest features to create new experiences for users around people, controls, and privacy. When you’re able to dive in, inspect our #Android11 Beta post for a recap of all of the developer features, and you’ll also visit the Beta Launch page to ascertain talks from the Android team on what’s new in their areas.
Also confirm to undertake the Android 11 features in Android Studio which will improve your productivity and workflow, like ADB incremental for faster installs of huge APKs, and extra nullability annotations on platform APIs. you’ll give these a try by downloading the newest Android Studio Beta or Canary version.
How do I get Beta 3?
It’s easy! Just enroll here to urge the Beta 3 update over-the-air on your Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, or 4a device. If you’re already enrolled, you’ll receive the update soon and no action is required on your part. Alternatively, you’ll give Android Flash Tool a go for easy on-demand updates, and if you’d rather flash manually, downloadable system images also are available. If you do not have a Pixel device, you’ll use the Android Emulator in Android Studio or try a GSI image to run Android 11 on supported Treble-compliant devices.