Cyberpunk 2077’s best mods include a nod to Blade Runner, improved driving, and the walk button that the game desperately needs
While the PC version of Cyberpunk 2077 has already secured its popularity as the definitive way to play the game by means of virtue of its incredibly strong overall performance (at least in contrast to the nightmarish console ports of the game), its long-term value lies in the increase of the game’s mod scene.
Cyberpunk 2077‘s collection of PC mods will, without doubt, grow to consist of completely new ways to play the game, however, for the moment, the small preliminary sampling of Cyberpunk 2077 mods currently available mostly focuses on addressing some of the game’s 10 and different design shortcomings.
So whilst larger and better creations are nearly truly on the way, right here are some of the best Cyberpunk 2077 mods reachable now
E to Interact – V to Walk and Drive – Dedicated Dodge – Dialogue Scroll
Granted, this mod’s identify needs a little spice, however there’s no denying that it’s one of the most versatile and welcome Cyberpunk mods launched so far.
Just as its unambiguous title says, this mod changes Cyberpunk 2077‘s have interaction button to E, lets you use V to walk, create a dedicated stay away from button, and lets you use the mouse scroll to bounce between dialog options. It takes a little work to get the whole lot set-up, however with their powers combined, these modifications make Cyberpunk 2077 a extra enjoyable overall experience.
Is it a little disheartening that we’re celebrating mods that finally add quality of life features to the game that must have been extra accessible in the first place? Maybe, however we’re still in the early days for Cyberpunk mods and legit updates, and there’s no denying that this one efficiently targets some fundamental issues.
Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Here
Cyberpunk Autonomous ReShade
There’s no shortage of Cyberpunk 2077 ReShade mods out there at the moment, however, one of our favorites has to be this fantastic touch-up job that subtly modifications the game’s visuals in significant ways.
By cleansing up some of Cyberpunk 2077‘s sharpening and saturation issues, this mod aims at some of the little problems that lead to Cyberpunk 2077‘s graphics coming throughout as dark and blurry. While this mod tries to preserve the real darkness of Cyberpunk 2077‘s darker areas, it brightens up most textures in a way that lets them “pop” like never before.
Best of all, this mod looks to have very little had an effect on the game’s overall performance, which is amazing news thinking that even Cyberpunk 2077‘s ultimate graphics settings do little to tame CD Projekt Red’s resource hog.

ultimate graphics settings
1- Update Your Drivers
Before you do anything else, make sure to update your GPU drivers to the latest versions released by AMD and Nvidia ahead of Cyberpunk 2077‘s release.
2- How to Fix Cyberpunk 2077’s Blurry Graphics
We’ll be talking more about this in a bit, but the most frequent complaints we’ve seen from Cyberpunk 2077 PC players are usually related to blurry graphics. What’s really ordinary is that those complaints are even coming from 4K and 1440p users.
If your graphics appear unusually blurry, the first thing you have to do is disable Film Grain. That controversial setting can easily end result in “blurry” graphics that are supposed to create an atmosphere that many people aren’t looking for in the first place.
If that doesn’t work, try disabling Motion Blur and Dynamic Resolution Scaling as well. I’d recommend starting with Motion Blur as you get the least out of it in the long run and then shifting on to Dynamic Resolution Scaling. If you’re using an RTX capable GPU, you have to also absolutely attempt disabling ray tracing for an immediate performance bump.
If none of that works, then you’ll prefer to open your GPU control center and play around with your “Sharpening” settings. With a little trial and error, you should be able to discover an optimal sharpness setting that will provide the clearest visuals possible.
3- Try Lowering the Depth of Field
This one always hurts given how welcome a high depth of field setting can be, but if you’re looking to optimize your Cyberpunk 2077 performance, you’re going to want to tone it down.
It’s worth trying to lower the depth of field before turning it off entirely, but if your PC is just on the edge of the game’s hardware recommendations, then you’ll probably end up having to set this at the lowest possible value.
4- Lower All Shadow Settings
As I looked at the individual ways to improve the performance of Cyberpunk 2077, one of the things that jumped out was that nearly every setting related to in-game shadows can drastically alter the game’s overall performance quality.
If you want to enjoy an instant Cyberpunk 2077 performance boost, the first thing you should do is lower Cascaded Shadows Resolution and Ambient Occlusion. I’ve heard some users say that simply disabling Cascaded Shadows Resolution nearly doubled their framerate. While those results don’t seem to be universal, I have to say that disabling this setting myself did lead to an immediate performance boost.
While not directly related to shadows in the same way those other settings are, you may also want to try disabling Chromatic Aberration. It doesn’t offer a significant boost to lighting effects and the option proves to be surprisingly demanding.
5- Check Out the FidelityFX CAS Option
If your GPU doesn’t support DLSS, you want to experiment with Cyberpunk 2077‘s FidelityFX CAS options.
Essentially a budget form of DLSS, FidelityFX attempts to adjust how scenes are rendered in order to optimize performance while demanding fewer resources. You can choose to have FidelityFX dynamically adjust your settings based on your perceived needs or you can utilize static FidelityFX settings for a more universal performance.
recommend starting with a dynamic FidelityFX setting in order to maximize its benefits, but if you notice that your PC is still struggling, you might want to try the static settings.
Better Vehicle Handling
While most people knew that Cyberpunk 2077 wasn’t going to feature racing game great vehicle controls, it’s hard to deny that most of Cyberpunk 2077‘s cars and bikes just feel…off.
This mod noticeably improves the game’s driving sequences by tightening the handling of most vehicles. It makes it a ways easier to round corners, keep away from pedestrians, and generally drive around Night City without feeling like you’re constantly struggling with your vehicles in a desperate try to get from mission to mission.
While far from perfect in its current state, this mod arguably serves as the template for how Cyberpunk 2077‘s driving should really work.
Instant Crafting
Cyberpunk 2077‘s crafting and disassembling systems are often hindered by means of odd delays that slow down what should be easy processes.
This mod addresses some of those delays by way of increasing the general speed of Cyberpunk 2077‘s crafting and disassembling mechanics. Despite what the mod’s title may imply, it definitely lets you adjust the usual speed alternatively than simply set it to be “instant.”
Whatever speed you choose, a little time with this mod will leave you with the awesome impression that this was once the way that Cyberpunk 2077 was supposed to be played.
Cyberrunner – a Bladerunner like Reshade
Considering that some of Cyberpunk 2077‘s visible shortcomings result in a “darker” standard look that can once in a while hinder its gameplay, you’d assume it would be hard to recommend a mod that can often make the game’s unlit areas even darker than they already are.
Yet, this mod designed to mimic some of the design concepts of the Blade Runner films actually does an amazing job of fixing some of Cyberpunk 2077‘s contrast issues. This mod simply shines in smaller city areas the place you can truly recognize how nearby lights sources seem to have interaction much extra naturally with their surroundings.