the Resistance questline for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. If you’re on this quest it’s potential you have finished each previous quest in each week. You can discover the first mission of week three right here if you still want to catch up. We’re dealing with how to deploy aquatic communication relays near Logjam Lumberyard in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
While managing the aquatic relays is clearly the main quest, as with all of these you ought to first do the first objective to unlock it. The first objective in this (and every) case is to “Establish Device Uplink near Logjam Lumberyard.”
You can locate the one spot to accomplish this on the map below:

How To Deploy Aquatic Relays Near Logjam Lumberyard
You will be able to find the hologram audio log to land on by the water on the south side of Logjam Lumberyard to get to the main objective here:

Touching the hologram audio log will Establish Device Uplink and then we will get to the main quest of “Deploy Aquatic Communication Relays near Logjam Lumberyard.”
From where the hologram audio log was, if you look out into the water you will now see all these little ghostly shapes. You’ll need to swim out and interact with three of them. There are more than three in the water, so it should be rather quick to get this done.

Even with that, this quest is definitely a little tougher than the rest, as the objective can only be done in this one area, so the traffic will be higher and you will be a sitting duck in the water.
Your best option is to just get this done fast though the worst case is it’ll take you more than one game to get it done.
Here is what the spots you’ll need to deploy the aquatic communication relays look like up close:

You just need to interact with the required three and then you are done and can move on to the next quest.
There you have it, folks, all the information necessary for how to deploy aquatic communication relays near Logjam Lumberyard in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
Fortnite’s No Building Modes Officially Named ‘Zero Build’

Epic Games has announced that the popular ‘No Building’ Fortnite game modes that debuted at the beginning of Chapter 3 Season 2 are now officially been renamed to ‘Zero Build’ starting today.
The news comes via a blog post, stating that Fortnite Zero Build ‘is a pure test of weapon, item and traversal ability.’ Essentially ‘Zero Build’ will now be the name for the gameplay players have experienced since the beginning of this Chapter 3 Season 2, which kicked off on March 20th where the building mechanics have been disabled.
The official renaming suggests that the building mechanics are set to return in the near future, which falls in line with initial leaks that the building would be disabled for the first 8-10 days of the new season. Given the new week, 2 challenges are set to go live on Thursday, there’s a good chance that we could see building return then, following this announcement.
Fortnite Zero Build will come in both Solo, Duos, Trios, and Squads playlists and can be accessed by the ‘Discover’ page by clicking the “CHANGE” button above “PLAY!” in the lobby.
Epic Games hasn’t officially announced that Zero Build will remain as a permanent fixture in Fortnite, the official renaming appears to suggest it’ll continue to live on once the standard Battle Royale modes with building included return.
Will you be playing Zero Build or are you eagerly awaiting the return of the standard building-friendly modes to Fortnite?